Throughout this blog, I have been trying to document my outdoor excursions and share them with you all.  I have recently started detailing some of the training involved in working up to the more advanced backpacking trips I go on, but nutrition is something I have not yet touched upon too heavily.  I will begin to remedy that with this post.

Ingredient Selection and Meal Timing

Ingredient selection and meal timing is a fundamental part of my regimen, and it should be part of yours.  It mustn’t be overlooked, though, admittedly, I have not yet posted much on it.  To remedy this error, I decided to record my pre-hike breakfast from this past weekend and share it with the masses.  See below for a video of what I typically eat the morning of a tough day hike when I’m not already on the trail!


  • knife
  • large mixing bowl
  • fork
  • frying pan


  • 1/2 onion
  • 3 pickle spears
  • 8 eggs
  • turmeric powder
  • garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp butter


  1. peel 1/2 onion and prepare for cutting
  2. dice onion into the mixing bowl
  3. dice pickle spears into the mixing bowl
  4. crack eggs into the mixing bowl
  5. add 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder to the mixing bowl
  6. add 1 tbsp of garlic powder to the mixing bowl
  7. use your fork to mix all ingredients in the mixing bowl for 45 seconds
  8. add 1 tbsp butter to your frying pan
  9. set your stove to “low” heat (we don’t want to burn the butter!) and let the butter met and heat
  10. when butter starts to bubble, pour mixture into frying pan after (note, if the butter is bubbling aggressively, you need to lower the heat!)
  11. scramble until desired consistency is reached
Categories: Hiking


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