
Location: Harpers Ferry, MD

Duration: 2 hours

Length: 5.2 miles

Gear: water, Larabar, shake

Highlights: view of Potomac River, Civil War history and artifacts



Total distance: 5.62 mi
Total climbing: 1818 ft
Total time: 02:04:03


A Hike for Everyone

This trail is great for experienced hikers but can also be used as a first-hike for beginners.  For experienced hikers, this is a great trail to test your fitness, particularly if you place any number of restrictions or “challenges” into the mix.  You can really get creative with the challenges you set up for yourself:

  • Limited water
  • Limited food
  • Time limit
  • Multiple run-throughs

For this run, I chose to limit my water and food, and I set a specific time limit: I had to complete the uphill sections at a pace no slower than 2.5 mph, on an empty stomach with only 1 water break.

Although these restrictions made the hike challenging (and thus, fun), it is also a great trail for beginners.  In fact, it is probably one of the better trails for beginners.  The sheer amount of families and folks of all ages who frequent this trail make the notion of hiking itself much less intimidating, and the trail contains all the elements of a good hike: elevation gain, terrain changes, history and education, and a “reward” – the view at the overlook.

The Maryland Heights Trail

The trail actually starts on the same road you park.  Depending on where you park, you will have to walk along the Potomac River to reach the starting point.  This is a pleasant walk due to the sound of the water combined with the view.  As you walk along the river, you’ll come across a sign for the trail:

From the moment you reach the start of the trail, the climb begins.

There is a steep ascent for the first 0.5 mile, of around 400 feet before the terrain levels out.  When the sky is clear, it feels like you are taking stairs directly into it.

If you continue towards the right after the first fork, you will have the option of taking the blue trail or the red trail.  On this hike, I took the red trail towards the overlook, and the blue trail back to the parking lot.  This way, the amount and intensity of climbs were maximized.

Datapoint 3 above on the map is the overlook.  Datapoint 4 is the result of taking the blue trail on the way back.

The trail to the overlook is flatter than the initial climb, but it has a series of ups and downs and a couple of switchbacks which make the return trip almost as exhausting.  The view is rewarding and the breeze inviting.  Many opt to enjoy a meal here before turning back.

If the overlook seems crowded, there is a path to the left that leads towards another overlook.  The views are equally enjoyable.

You Don’t Need to Travel Far to See History

After the overlook, there is an extremely tough climb on the blue trail up until Datapoint 4.  This route made the hike more challenging but rewarding as well (5.2 miles total).

There is a fair amount of history on this trail, and I found most of it to be on the blue trail.  Here is one of many historic sites littered throughout the trail,  complete with descriptive plaques.

How anyone was able to carry cannons and other heavy equipment up this trail will riddle me for the rest of my life.  This aspect of the trail makes Maryland Heights a complete package for all: enjoyable, educational, and worthwhile for all experience levels.  No need to take costly vacations to Europe to witness history when you have this historic treasure chest practically in your backyard!

After soaking in the views and the Civil War history, be sure to cool off by the Potomac River you passed earlier, and then head into downtown Harpers Ferry for a victory meal!

Categories: Hiking


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